Beyond the Rumor Mill: Kim Jong Un, Succession and the Balance of Power


Past Event

Beyond the Rumor Mill: Kim Jong Un, Succession and the Balance of Power

May 8, 2020
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Since early April, Kim Jong Un’s whereabouts have been the subject of great speculation. Given notable public absences, questions about his health and movements have become a trending topic in our daily headlines. Yet beyond the speculation and rumors, this unpredictable event prompts an important discussion: Are there mechanisms for succession in North Korea? What do these questions ultimately reveal about our North Korea policy? How have other countries reacted, and what implications are there for the region in the event of a change in leadership? Join Alexis Dudden, University of Connecticut, Terence Roehrig, U.S. Naval War College, and Jeong-Ho Roh, Center for Korean Legal Studies at Columbia Law School for a discussion of the legal, policy, and historical underpinnings to North Korea’s leadership.

Contact Information

Joan Wargo