Image Carousel with 3 slides
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Slide 1: Supreme Court, Pyongyang
Slide 2: Supreme Court, Pyongyang
Slide 3: Judges seated, North Korean courtroom

Supreme Court, Pyongyang

Supreme Court, Pyongyang

The following is an up-to-date list of North Korean laws currently available in English. The Center assumes no responsibility for their content.
Administrative Penalties Law (2004, 2008) [KOREAN—automatic translation]
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Immigration Law (1995, 2012)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Land Law (1977)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Legal Office)
Land Lease Law (1993, 2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Software Industry Law (2004) [KOREAN—automatic translation]
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Telecommunication Act (1997, 2001) [KOREAN—automatic translation]
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Civil Procedure Law (1976, 2009)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Damage Compensation Law (2001, 2005)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
External Civil Relations Law (1995, 1998)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Nationality Law
Refworld (United Nations)
Notary Public Law (2004)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Protection of Handicapped People Law (2003)
The Central Committee of the Korean Federation for the Protection of the Disabled
Succession Law (2002)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Socialist Constitution of the DPRK (1972, 2013)
The Committee for Human rights in North Korea (HRNK)
Criminal Code (1950, 2009)
The Committee for Human rights in North Korea (HRNK)
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) [KOREAN—automatic translation]
Criminal Procedures Code (1950, 2006)
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) [KOREAN—automatic translation]
Decree No. 290 on Agricultural Law (1998)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Legal Office)
Environmental Impact Assessment Law (2005, 2007)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Environmental Protection Law (1986)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Legal Office)
Forest Law (1992, 2001)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Legal Office)
Rivers Law (2002, 2004)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Legal Office)
Seawater Pollution Prevention Law (1997, 1999)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Water Resources Law (1997, 1999)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Legal Office)
Commercial Bank Law (2006)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Foreign Exchange Control Law (1993, 2004)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Insurance Law (1995, 2008)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Money Laundering Prevention Law (2006)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Accounting Law for Foreign-Invested Businesses (2006, 2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Bankruptcy Law for Foreign-Invested Enterprises (2000, 2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Contractual Joint Venture Law (1992, 2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
[HTML (DPRK translation)]
- Implementing Regulations (2000, 2004) [KOREAN—automatic translation]
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Equity Joint Venture Law (1984, 2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
[HTML (DPRK translation)]
- Implementing Regulations (2000, 2005) [KOREAN—automatic translation]
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Foreign Enterprise Law (1992)
International Labour Organization (ILO)
- Audit Regulations for Foreign-Invested Businesses (2004)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation] - Regulations on Establishing and Operating Foreign-Invested Law Offices (2004, 2005)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation] - Regulations on the Naming of Foreign-Invested Enterprises (1999)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Foreign-Invested Banks Law (1993, 2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Foreign Investment Law (1992, 2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Financial Management of Foreign Invested Enterprises Law (2008, 2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Labor Law for Foreign-Invested Enterprises (2009, 2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Registration of Foreign Owned Businesses Law (2006, 2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Taxation Law for Foreign-Invested Enterprises and Foreign Individuals (1993, 2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
- Implementing Regulations (2002) [KOREAN—automatic translation]
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise Law (1992, 2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
[HTML (DPRK translation)]
- Implementing Regulations (2000, 2005) [KOREAN—automatic translation]
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Economic Development Parks Law (2013)
Naenara [DPRK translation]
- Regulations for Establishing and Operating Enterprises in Economic Development Parks (2013)
Naenara [DPRK translation] - Regulations for Operation of Management Body of Economic Development Parks (2013)
Naenara [DPRK translation] - Regulations for the Establishment of Economic Development Parks (2013)
Naenara [DPRK translation] - Regulations for Labor in Economic Development Parks (2013)
Naenara [DPRK translation] - Regulations on the Development of Economic Development Parks (2014)
Naenara [DPRK translation - Regulations on Environmental Protection in Economic Development Parks (2014)
Naenara [DPRK translation]
Hwanggumphyong and Wihwado Economic Zone Law (2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
[HTML (DPRK translation)]
Law on the Mt. Kumgang Special Zone for International Tourism (2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
- Regulation on Tourism in Mt. Kumgang Zone (2012)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation] - Regulation on the Establishment and Operation of Businesses in Mt. Kumgang Zone (2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation] - Regulation on Customs in Mt. Kumgang Zone (2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation] - Regulations on Entry, Exit, Stay and Residence in Mt. Kumgang Zone (2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation] - Regulations on Taxation in Mt. Kumgang Zone (2012)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation] - Regulations on Insurance in Mt. Kumgang Zone (2012)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation] - Regulations on Environmental Protection in Mt. Kumgang Zone (2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Rason Economic and Trade Zone Law (1993, 2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
[HTML (DPRK translation)]
- Regulations on Free Trade Port at Rason Free Economic and Trade Zone (1994)
International Labour Organization (ILO) - Regulations on Foreigner's Stay in Free Economic and Trade Zone (1994)
Refworld (United Nations) - Regulations on Labour for Foreign Funded Enterprises in Free Economic and Trade Zone (1993)
International Labour Organization (ILO) - Regulation on Resident Representative Official of Foreign Businesses in Free Economic and Trade Zone (1993)
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Copyright Law (2001, 2006)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Industrial Designs Law (1998, 2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Invention Law (1998, 1999)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Name of Origin Law (2003)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Protection of Computer Software Law (2003)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Trademark Law (1998, 2011)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
Economic Zone Decree (1977)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Legal Office)
Fisheries Act (1999)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Legal Office)
- Detailed Rules on the Protection and Increase of Fishery Resources (n.d.)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Legal Office)
Seawater Pollution Prevention Law (1997, 1999)
Kimchi Law Blog [DPRK translation]
TREATIES (DPRK Member Lists)
UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub
Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) & Investment Related Instruments (IRIs)
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
WIPO-administered treaties plus UPOV, WTO and UN
North Korea in the World
International & Multilateral Agreements the DPRK is a party
“DPRK: Children’s Right References in the Universal Periodic Review”
Child Rights International Network
- Analysis of human rights protection in the DPRK, including (but not limited to) education, housing, child rights, women’s rights, etc.
- Ex.) Enforcement of Universal 12-year Compulsory Education, Law on the Protection and Promotion of Child Rights, Law on the Protection and Promotion of Women’s Rights, Law on the Care of the Elderly, and Law on the Protection of Person’s with Disabilities
“Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 2017 Human Rights Report”
United States Department of State—Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
- Broad and inexplicit descriptions of the rule of law and subsequent judicial procedures/civil liberties within the DPRK.
- Limited direct references, such as: Law on Complaint and Petition, Law for the Protection of Women’s Rights, Law on Equality of Sexes, Person with Disability Protection Law
“Report on Human Rights in North Korea 2014”
International Bar Association
- “Chapter Two: North Korea’s Human Rights Policy”
- “Chapter Three: North Korean Human Rights Law and their Applications”